Providence, RI | Cranston, RI | Quonset, RI
Healthcare Planner
Type of Construction
Existing Building Renovations
165,000 SF
General Scope of Project
As part of the response to the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus in the State of Rhode Island, three Alternative Care Facilities were constructed to provide overflow and surge bed capacity for the State’s healthcare system. n|e|m|d was integral in the construction of all three sites. The projects were design/build and occurred concurrently at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, the former Citizens Corporate Headquarters in Cranston, and a vacant box store in Quonset. n|e|m|d worked directly with owners, operators, consultants, and contractors daily to design and build three facilities in less than a month.
All three facilities were designed with individual patient bays, nurse stations, pharmacy space, lab space, exam rooms, triage/resuscitation rooms, transport bays, clinical support spaces and some patient bathing areas. Patient bays included electrical and medical gas (O2) outlets. Nurse stations were designed with hand washing stations, power and data outlets, and work surfaces. Signage was installed for easy wayfinding at RICC and in Cranston. Negative air HVAC systems were installed and eletrical wiring was updated to meet hospital grade compliance at RICC and in Cranston. The Quonset site was built-out to approximately 90% with all equipment purchased and onsite. Consideration was given to the Rhode Island Convention Center and the Quonset site so that tenant improvements could be easily removed and the spaces quickly returned to their original conditions. n|e|m|d was onsite daily at all three locations to make design decisions in the field with the contractors and operators. Daily conversations occurred with the AHJ to ensure maximum code compliance.